Teacher Created Quick Lab

Biology: Students identify native evergreen species that grow on campus 



Kinesthetic, Group Activity

In a review of the cardiovascular system, student were put into small groups.  They labeled and followed the path that a blood droplet would take through the heart as it travels to and from the lungs and rest of the body. 



Teacher Created Graphic Organizer

Biology: Students compare light dependent and light independent reactions of photosynthesis 

photosynthesis flow chart bell ringer.ppt photosynthesis flow chart bell ringer.ppt
Size : 0.027 Kb
Type : ppt



Review Activity

Whole-class, low-pressure review activity 

Colored Cards Review Activity.doc Colored Cards Review Activity.doc
Size : 0.024 Kb
Type : doc



Student-Response White Boards

An alternative to the colored card review.  This allows students to answer not only true-false and multiple choice questions as a class, but to also answer written response and math problems while allowing the teacher to quickly see which students are understanding which concepts and to reteach promptly.


Markers and erasers are kept in plastic bags.  This allows the teacher to quickly and efficiently count and check in and out supplies and also to be sure that marker caps are on securely so that expo markers don't dry out.



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