Lynda Grasso's Use of Assessments





·   Pre-reading strategies (such as KWL)

·   Brainstorming activities

·   Anticipatory activities (ex: “Look at these organisms and guess how you think scientists might classify them.”)

·   Pre-tests and pre-quizzes

·   Challenges students to reflect on what they already know

·   Assists in setting a purpose for instruction

·   Lets the teacher know what students have forgotten (from previous courses) and need to review


·   Informal observation during class

·   Write about what you know

·   Homework

·   Quizzes

·   Laboratory reports

·   Alerts the teacher to any misconceptions held by students

·   Helps students monitor their own progress

·   Informs the teacher of what concepts need additional review


·   Standardized tests

·   Teacher-created tests

·   Project rubrics

·   Answers the question: Have students met the learning goals? 




Teacher-created rubric for student-created PowerPoint presentations on illegal drug use


Student Evaluation

Students evaluate self and group's participation in a lab or activity

Student Evaluation of Lab.doc Student Evaluation of Lab.doc
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